The COVID-19 quarantine makes us reflect on our political demands, as well as to continue to face the Immigration policy in order to make it possible to be recognized in the system without having an address. The crisis imposes a struggle for recognition. The special tax regime to which we are subjugated in Spain deprives us of the right to unemployment benefits, decent retirement, maternity leaves, sick leaves or work accident leaves, while paying taxes.
Being forced to be in a special tax regime obliges us to resist, make demands and protest for a worthy recognition that values the everyday work we do. This tax obligation also invites us to empower ourselves: to visiblize our networks of care labor, the networks we continue to build, in order to value the vulnerability of life and therefore embrace it.
Quarantine moreover inspires us to strengthen these networks. And with nets made of fabric we have made dolls – the SindiRebels. Each doll is unique, handmade by our union members, incorporating pieces of our culture and our experiences.
For a donation of 5 euros or more to our bank account you will receive a unique and handmade SindiRebel doll.
With these contributions we can strengthen our network, as the income goes to our colleagues who have run out of income sources, as well as to purchase protective supplies for those who continue to work in unsafe conditions.
The production of dolls is carried out by the members of the first independent union at state level in Spain ‘ Sindihogar / Sindillar.
Bank account in SABADELL bank: ES18 0081 0057 3900 0214 3120