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SindiRebels’ award delivery

The last 5th of September, Sindillar organized the awards ceremony to deliver the SindiRebels dolls elaborated for the COVID Campaign. These SindiRebels rug dolls were home made by Sindillar’s participants and awarded in exchange for the economic donations made during the 3 months’ lockdown in Barcelona. This is an extract of the discourse ceremony, done by Karina Fulladosa, and some pictures of the event. 

“Crises are part of our daily lives, for migrant women, who come from countries traversed by constant readjustments and plundering from the global North. These are not new. We have learned to live and come back from them. Perhaps for this reason, the experience places us in another location, where we not only see chaos and conflicts, but also opportunity and micro-resistance of the collective and of those that are closer, which we know we walk side by side.

This is why we see opportunity, because we do not want to return to the old normality, we want decent jobs, physical, emotional and material freedom to live fully and with ‘papers’ for all. This is not about a denialist culture, because we have experienced the consequences in our bodies and that is why we know of the process of affectation that it has had on us. We have corroborated that this current crisis and virus has been installed for a long time through colonial, sexist, racial and capital violence in our lives.

Thus, once again, we understand that it is necessary to get out of the capital / life duality and not confine ourselves in the story of misery, but to trust each other again to generate spaces of virtual love, where we have come together to spin fine with our hands, beautiful rag dolls, as a symbol of this giving that escapes the logic of commercialisation and creates just boxes of resistance”.