The colleagues from FACR have been involved, as partners, in the organization of the digital conference “Exploring Intersectionality – Building Solidarity across EU-Turkey Borders: Inclusive Education in Times of Forced Migration and COVID-19” (11-12 November 2020), hosted by the Istanbul Policy Centre and Stiftung Mercator Initiative, Sabancı University, Istanbul. This conference was curated by Ellen Kollender and Joanna Krzemińska.
In four panels, this digital conference explored and discussed the complex challenges arising from the claim of an “education for all” during and after the pandemic. The event brought together researchers, educational practitioners, activists, and civil society initiatives from Turkey and the EU focusing on questions such as:
How does the current strengthening of symbolic and material borders, e.g. due to the pandemic, affect children’s right to education and non-discrimination?
How do different categories of marginalization and layers of oppression intersect when it comes to the situation of “refugee children” within different education systems and settings in Turkey and the EU?
Which inclusive approaches, projects and strategies are able to tackle exclusionary dynamics in education while being sensitive to multiple forms of discrimination and belonging?
How can notions of solidarity go beyond solutions formulated by nation-states and be fostered across EU-Turkey borders when addressing global educational inequalities and injustices?