We are designers, architects and urban planners with a civil duty of care. As an organisation we do not support Moria 2.0 and will continue to advocate for compassionate and more sustainable alternatives to the current migration policies of containment and exclusion.
Our mission is to utilise the power of design and education to bring diverse people together to co-create equitable solutions to some of the many challenges we face. This was most clear in our work on the Olive Grove recreation site, in partnership with Danish Red Cross and International Committee of the Red Cross. Through this project we co-designed shared social spaces essential for wellbeing, demonstrated what can be achieved together and advocated for greater autonomy of the residents in shaping their environment.
Prior to the fires we worked in close collaboration with local partner Stand By Me Lesvos to design a new centre for their Academia, a wonderful network of learning opportunities run by and for the residents of Moria Hotspot and the surrounding olive groves. The future is now too uncertain to know when people will again have access to such opportunities.
Since the fires, much has changed. The landscape of services is once again in flux and our colleagues are working hard to find new ways and spaces to reach people.
Going forward we are focusing our efforts on supporting our peers in their spatial needs so they may better deliver high quality learning opportunities, essential services, and safe dignified shelter in alternative settings outside of the camp. We are providing this support through the purchase of necessary tools and materials for making upgrades and repairs to existing buildings, through direct grants for planned works, and/or through design consultation where needed.
Situated on a former army shooting range, the newly built camp looks organized as seen from a birds eye view. On the ground however, people are exposed to the elements with insufficient and underserviced toilets, no showering facilities, food provided once per day, and many are sleeping directly on the ground. Leaving the camp is highly controlled. Once inside, there are few protections available for even the most vulnerable and access to support services are severely limited.
If you believe that people deserve better, make a donation to support our efforts in enabling longer term, inclusive solutions. All funds raised through this campaign will be utilised to support our colleagues on the ground to deliver their activities in spaces that uphold people’s right to dignity and architecture.